How the Topsham Film Society started
On 19 March 2004 over 180 people were invited to a free screening of Cinema Paradiso in Matthews Hall Topsham to gauge support for the formation of a film society.
The evening was a great success. A committee was formed to found the Topsham Film Society, confirmed on 4 May by a constitution following the model recommended to members of the British Institute of Film Societies. A programme for the season was selected and invitations to join followed. The first film shown was the Coen brothers' The Man Who Wasn't There on 3 September 2004 with an initial membership of 203. By the end of the season this had grown to 250.
Digital projection was chosen as the most appropriate operating format. At first equipment was kindly loaned from private sources but later this was replaced by units available under a group loan scheme operated by BFFS South West Group.
Following technical advice and research, and with the financial support of several Topsham organisations, it was decided to purchase and install permanent projection and sound equipment in Matthews Hall in September 2014. This is owned by Topsham Community Association for the benefit of hall users and made available for a variety of audio-visual purposes as well as films.
The Society now shows 12 films each year between October and March, each usually with a matinee and an evening performance.